Thursday, November 12, 2015

Christmas Is In My Heart

Christmas Is In My Heart Blog Hop
It is not sneaking up on me this year!  Thanks to Marian at
Preparing for this hop has put me in the Christmas mode early and that will enable me to enjoy the season at a leisurely pace.  Well maybe leisurely is not the exact word, more like less hectic. My hat is off to Marian for all the work she has put in on this hop.  Be sure to visit her blog daily as there will be a free pattern given away. Yesterday's was a precious soft sculptured icicle 

You will want to visit all of the Christmas creativity that is being shared by these
Christmas spirited ladies on today's portion of the hop.

      Friday, November 13
                    All Thingz Sewn  you are here
Marjorie’s Busy Corner
Jane’s Quilting
Just Sew Quilter
Batts in the Attic

 The extended scheduled of all participating blogs are listed at the bottom of this page.  has graciously stepped up as the sponsor
of  a fantastic give-away.
Be sure you visit each day of the hop and enter.

I had quite a bit of Christmas fabric in my stash and decided to use some of that. 
 Now I'll have a little more room for this years designs when it's on sale.  This lap quilt is made of a basic hodge podge design that I basically made up as I went along.  I don't do fancy well.
Not too terribly bad, pardon me while I pat myself on the back.  I only had to rip out a few.
Now you know I'm showing one of the better ones, right?  I'm rambling.
 Sorry, let me get back to the matters at hand.
We were requested to put a heart somewhere on our project,
 I quilted with my heart. 8-)  This is my first FMQ with anything besides straight lines.

Fall is in full force with winter very close.  No pretty foliage left except these two
begonias under the deck.

Christmas throw /handmade in red,green and gold

I was thinking baby/toddler quilt or animal lover throw because of the fabric I chose for the border, it helped liven it up and pull the colors together.

Christmas throw / handmade in red,green and gold

I would so enjoy a comment and would know you visited too.

Christmas throw / handmade in red,green and gold

Now on to the give-away


Don't forget to continue on thru the week and visit the others and if you missed
 yesterday I've posted them too.

Today is the day!

                                                   Christmas Is In My Heart Blog Hop

Don't miss the fun of seeing all the Christmas creations of the talented ladies.
What better place to get ideas for your Christmas list.
There are some giveaways too
So grab a cuppa and enjoy.