Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Love a Full Mail Box

Hello all,

Love a full mailbox, bills excluded that is.  I'm in an exchange and can only give a sneak peek until we all post in a couple of weeks.  We have to wait for the international participants to get their packages.  But I'm excited and wanted to share a little. So it's going to be short and sweet.

My partner is Roxy, we have already hit it off on email.  I know we will be corresponding friends, sometimes  you just know. 

My packages came prettily wrapped. 

I will be introducing Maggie, my quilting partner on occasion.But today she is referred to as MAGGIE MAE get off the table.
She know she is not allowed on the table or cabinets.  Notice she is watching me as she is sniffing my  gifts.  If it involves a quilt and I'm messing with it she is there.  

See the little bit of pink in the background, it is purrrfect for me.
And the bag rattles with goodies.  I can hardly wait.

Blessings my friends.

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Hands 2 Help Tutorial Day.

I'm so enjoying this quilting time and the learning of FMQ that is going with it.  I am however going to cheat and share two of my favorite tutorials.   My first is by Lori at the 
"In Box Jaunt" where I have learned so much about the different Free Motion Quilting finishes available .  She  is making this fun for me,  when it used to be so stressful.  It's like,  no more fear of ruining my quilt and instead, what can I do next.  It's all about the learning curve for me and the ones I have found here are not steep.
This Particular tutorial is what I have picked out as the FMQ pattern for one of my quilts for H2H.

I have found Lori to be inspiring and helpful.  She is a beautiful quilter.  You will want to check her tutorials and blog out.


My second tutorial is for a flanged binding that will finish my  second Hands 2 Help quilt.
I found this so easy for me to do the first time I tried it.  This binding gives anything you put it on that extra "umph".  Potholders, purses, mini quilts, place mats, you know "anything'.


Hopefully you will find these useful.  Or maybe you already have.

Have a safe and blessed Easter Day.

Friday, March 25, 2016

I beat the Holiday! I wonder about me?

I've had this post ready for about two weeks, now why have I not posted it?  Let's see, too busy? Maybe a little, but not really.  Out of town?  I wish.  Computer was down?  A big no, thank God.
I forgot?  Man I hate to admit that.  So I'm not going to.  But at least I got it here before Easter.
That a plus, right?  This is the first time I have decorated for a holiday other than Christmas (tree only) since let's see, 2011.  Don't know exactly why, my heart just not has been in it.  But enough is enough.  So here is a small start.

I forgot , yet again, to hang the Easter tags that that were downloadable with the directions for the painted mason jars.  And they were the cutest part.  These were found a

I figure if I start now maybe I can get ready for the 4th of July.  But then you may want to check back in August.

Everyone have a safe and blessed Easter.

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Quilt Qwazy Queens Blog Hop

The story of my journey to becoming somewhat of a quilter is not too exciting or profound.  It has  went at a moderately slow pace mostly because of the learning curve of several things.   I seem to have started  liking fabric late in life and social media was a total unknown to me.  In fact I have a long way to go it seems,  I've been battling rafflecopter for over a week, we will see who wins by the end of this post.  I have found from the communities of online quilters most of my inspiration and quilting help.  But this little badge and quote I borrowed from the author http://quiltshopgal.com/   seems to qualify me as "QQQ" and maybe some of you too .

quiltshopgal clipart wordart

Please be sure you visit all of today's participants for inspiring stories, pictures and great giveaways
March 24
Marjorie's Busy Corner
Just Because Quilts
Moose Stash
Batts In The Attic
All Things Sewn

 please remember to visit Marian our blog hop creator at http://www.seamstobesew.com/ after today's visits for the great givaway she has personally provided each day of this hop and leave her a nice comment too.  I want to thank her for all her time and effort to make this enjoyable for all involved.  She worked hard to secure the great giveaways from her wonderful sponsors as well, listed at the end of the post.

On to my journey of quilting.

I  have been sewing and or quilting about two years and not an accomplished quilter yet.  What inspired me to start sewing in the beginning while working as a nail tech, was that a close customer/friend had just lost her husband, they were raising two small grandchildren and I wanted  to so something for the children.   At that time I had not sewn since high school (let's say quite few years ago and leave it there).   I had seen some memories bears on pinterest and thought that would be great gift for the toddlers.  It was my first try at renewing my sewing skills, one girl bear shown and one boy, the same bear but without the sweater.  Made from their Grandpa's cambrey shirts.

That's when the sewing bug bit me and
 after that I started making stuffed animals for babies and friends and small home decorating items.

Meet Maggie, my sewing partner and  this is our first holiday banner.


Then I ran across our first blog hop.  http://www.sewwequilt.com/
This table runner entry was where I started getting interested in quilting, now Maggie couldn't care less what,why or how we are sewing.  As long as we sew every day.  Between you and me, I think she like to hear the machine in the background while she's napping.

I also enjoy embroidery and working with wool 
I'm gathering things to make some wool quilting blocks as we speak.
The grey cat is made of a vintage wool jacket and vintage silk ties.
I use repurposed wool when possible.  Some of the black cat is vintage as well.

My first quilt.
Now I realize it is a simple ragged out quilt, but it was my first baby step attempt at making an whole  quilt, but I was pleased and knew I was hooked on learning and experiencing all kinds of quilting..

All of my quilts are small, being throws or crib size and fairly simple at this point.  I work with a small Janome and I FMQ with it too.  Making large quilts at this time impossible.
I'm waiting to win that Milly at APQS before I try to make full size quilts. 8-)

My quilts have all been gifts or fundraisers and that is fine with me for now and will continue to to do so.  I enjoy and am blessed to be able to help others this way. 
 I'm trying to learn how to use ETSY now.  I'm slow but sure.  My positive swing on that is "I'm enjoying the journey".  I just had to go back to work after closing my business and retiring last year. The selling of the building has not happened yet and that is my financial part of retirement.
So eventually I hope to retire again from public work after I become an accomplished quilter  (I think that's where the Queen part comes in)   and not just a Qwazy Quilter.

This is where I'm at in my quilting at the moment.


I have always enjoyed thinking out of the box when the need arises,  I was asked to make a quilt out of this shower curtain from Carol a close friend of mine.  It was a memory of her friend that had passed and they shared the love of Christmas.  They always decorated every room for the season.  And this was left to her specifically.  That's all the story I know.  But I gave it a shot.  I kept visualizing it sliding off her lap.

Carol was very pleased the way it turned out,  I was so relieved.  I think a leprechaun changed the placement of the squares.  I could have sworn they were staggered much better than that until the picture was proof of other wise.

The coloring was off on these two picture, I guess it was the lighting at her house.

And my most recent quilting experience is just beginning,  I was ready to expand my skill a little and joined a BOM... In Our Garden at  http://sewincrediblycrazy.blogspot.com/  Every month's patterns is from a different designer.
 I like the little frog, but want to add a tongue getting ready to catch the fly. 

You have been very patient with this lengthy post.  
I have been given two great giveaways for you.  Good luck.  The first has been provided by
C&T Publishing

Don't you like the blocks on the cover, I love all houses.
I would like to have this myself, and will probably order it.

quilt qwazy queens


And the second lovely giveaway is provided by:
Island Batik
Three, 1/2 yard bundles from Island Batik of their Fire Island Collection
Two Bundles With Six Cuts
and One Bundle With Seven Cuts

Now that a lot of fabric.
Gee, I would like this one too

Make sure I have your email address to notify winners.


As a gift to everyone,
the htpp://www.fatquartershop.com
is offering a 10% discount during the hop.
This is not good for gift certificates however.

Use this code at checkout to receive discount.

  remember to visit Marian at http://www.seamstobesew.com/

I'm hoping you have enjoyed Marians blog hop, there sure has been some beautiful work shown.

Have a safe and Blessed day

Monday, March 14, 2016