Tuesday, December 29, 2015

How Much!

Our family had a great Christmas with almost everyone present.  No drama and all safe and healthy. I was glad to see most of you were blessed with the same.
They were a hungry crew and I had to replenish the cupboard yesterday.  Stopped by the fabric shop on the way to the grocery (actually never got there) just to browse a little and found Christmas fabric at 90% off.  My son made the mistake of giving me cash to have my car detailed.  Now I have to save up and get it done before he finds out where I spent it.  Anyway back to where I was going with this, just look at what I found.  While visions of mug rugs and stockings danced thru my head. 8-)

Isn't this cowboy the cutest fabric?  I was thinking of Karin at Lovin life at the end of a dirt road. If you like ranch life as it really is, with beautiful pictures visit her at dirtroadscrapper.blogspot.com.

And I saved how Much?  Yep, that's right $159.28
Now when I shared with is Donnie, even he was impressed.  He gave me $50.00 to go back with. Now I'm thinking his plan is that this will keep me busy enough that I won't be going back for awhile. Yeah right.  I bought a couple of the same fabrics I like them that much.

Going to use the sleigh fabric for a quilt backing and the two blues will be a dress and leggings for a tilda doll.
An additional $101.17 I'm feeling so good right now.  Wanting to start sewing right-a-way.  But it will have to wait a couple of days. That will be a post for New Year's day.

Be safe and have a Great New Year!

Monday, December 28, 2015

Your Who?

Santa lost his suit a few years ago in a fire. But the children still recognize him. At restaurants and stores they will stare and come up to him all year long. He always carries candy canes, don't want to disillusion anyone. You try and find candy canes in July. I have found if you keep the candy in a cool place it will last all year. This is actually our youngest niece and turned out to be the cutest picture without a suit. Santa volunteers at a couple places and they provide a suit and take the pictures.


Just thought I would share a cute quickie


Thursday, November 12, 2015

Christmas Is In My Heart

Christmas Is In My Heart Blog Hop
It is not sneaking up on me this year!  Thanks to Marian at http://www.seamstobesew.com/
Preparing for this hop has put me in the Christmas mode early and that will enable me to enjoy the season at a leisurely pace.  Well maybe leisurely is not the exact word, more like less hectic. My hat is off to Marian for all the work she has put in on this hop.  Be sure to visit her blog daily as there will be a free pattern given away. Yesterday's was a precious soft sculptured icicle 

You will want to visit all of the Christmas creativity that is being shared by these
Christmas spirited ladies on today's portion of the hop.

      Friday, November 13
                    All Thingz Sewn  you are here
Marjorie’s Busy Corner
Jane’s Quilting
Just Sew Quilter
Batts in the Attic

 The extended scheduled of all participating blogs are listed at the bottom of this page.  

http://www.fatquartershop.com/ has graciously stepped up as the sponsor
of  a fantastic give-away.
Be sure you visit each day of the hop and enter.

I had quite a bit of Christmas fabric in my stash and decided to use some of that. 
 Now I'll have a little more room for this years designs when it's on sale.  This lap quilt is made of a basic hodge podge design that I basically made up as I went along.  I don't do fancy well.
Not too terribly bad, pardon me while I pat myself on the back.  I only had to rip out a few.
Now you know I'm showing one of the better ones, right?  I'm rambling.
 Sorry, let me get back to the matters at hand.
We were requested to put a heart somewhere on our project,
 I quilted with my heart. 8-)  This is my first FMQ with anything besides straight lines.

Fall is in full force with winter very close.  No pretty foliage left except these two
begonias under the deck.

Christmas throw /handmade in red,green and gold

I was thinking baby/toddler quilt or animal lover throw because of the fabric I chose for the border, it helped liven it up and pull the colors together.

Christmas throw / handmade in red,green and gold

I would so enjoy a comment and would know you visited too.

Christmas throw / handmade in red,green and gold

Now on to the give-away


Don't forget to continue on thru the week and visit the others and if you missed
 yesterday I've posted them too.

Today is the day!

                                                   Christmas Is In My Heart Blog Hop

Don't miss the fun of seeing all the Christmas creations of the talented ladies.
What better place to get ideas for your Christmas list.
There are some giveaways too
So grab a cuppa and enjoy.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Black Cat and all

Fall Greetings

The weather here in Kentucky is beautiful and still warm, but getting ready to change this week end.  Thought I would share a little outside before our first frost.  Don't know about you but I'm a warm weather gal.  Meet Casper our only remaining outside cat of 13 that was here when we moved in  about 20 yrs ago.  All were ferrell, but we managed to tame all but a couple that disappeared over time.  We back up into a national forest with coyotes and such.  Now back to Casper.  Those recognizing the name will be telling their age.  If you have to ask you are safe.  She was named such because for a long time we never saw her and only knew she existed because food was missing. She was in the last litter of the last female to be spayed.  She is about 12yrs old and still only petted by me.  But she does like the camera.  And loves the dogs.

The deer are out full force, we have 3 or 4 in the front yard every morning.  And a young buck and a couple of young does in the back at the same time.   I love watching them but they are eating my flowers now.  However the flowers would be dead in a couple of days anyway. That makes me feel a little better.  I often wonder where they go during the summer because they only show up here in early spring and fall.

Leaves are falling but not much color yet, I guess after the frost.  This is a black eyed susan vine I discovered late this spring and is just getting a good start.  It is self seeding so next year it should do well, It is climbing up our bird feeder.  

I like to make soft sculptured house out of my fabric scraps and this little house came to mind for fall, Don and I set up in Bardstown Ky with a co-op of ladies at the Artist Barrell. Hence the price tag.  Don carved the little button at the bottom of the door for me.  I hand embroidered the spider in the attic and the pumpkin stem.    I got an embroidery machine last year and haven't learned to use it yet. Shame on me.

Would you all be interested in seeing some of my houses later? 

Don had to change and replace the front tractor tires. and they made a nice planter for the mums but I'll put petunias in the next year.  Not a very pretty spot but I'm trying to dissuade people from cutting off the driveway to the barn and making a mess.   Marybeth had surgery two week ago and last week after they took out the stitches she tore them out again, so back into the cone she went.  She grazes more than any cow.

I haven't decorated outside yet, one excuse is Don hasn't gotten the decoration down from garage attic.  But mostly I just haven't had the heart. Unlike other bloggers, nothing is pristine around here.  Thinking about it right now... I just might skip it and wait for Christmas.  I have so much sewing to get done for the shop.  Am I being too bad.  You think I will be sorry when Thanksgiving
rolls around?


I might have a change of mind.  Ya think?

Love to hear your thoughts on the matter.

Hugs and Blessings

Monday, October 5, 2015

It's A Celebration!!!!

Hello Hello,
I'm so excited for Lana at It Seams To Be Sew.  Lana is having a GRAND OPENING for her new fabric shop.

 My Shop

Stop by and for a visit with her and enjoy the new fabric lines.

For the month of Oct. there will be a weekly giveaway.  This week is One yard of each 8 great design fabrics "TYPES" by Julia Rothman.

                             I'm only sharing 3 of the designs, you can link to Lana's blog here 

                                      I see a cute tote for the church secretary  at Christmas

                                       or a soft-sculptured bulletin board for a home office.

Don't forget to visit and wish her well.  You can use the badge on top of sidebar to visit the shop and see the rest of the collection as well . 

Blessings and hugs,

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

No-reply Blogger /Google+..... And do a fellow blogger a favor

Good afternoon,
I have felt a little under loved for a little while by the lack of  response to my comments to my fellow bloggers.  A blogging buddy got ahold of me this morning and let me know I was a NO-REPLY blogger.  WHAT!  When did this happen?  Finally traced  it back to when I joined google+.

Please ask you friends if they know they are a no reply blogger.  Sometimes this is a glitch that happens when joining google+ and you're not aware it has happened. It happened to me because I didn't understand the tech/talk and agreed to the wrong thing.  I'm so glad that Kathy at http://kwiltypleasures.blogspot.com/ took the time find me and to tell me.

This young lady right here will show you how to correct the problem of being a No-reply blogger.
http://www.sewathomemummy.com/search?q=no+reply+blogger.  It is fairly easy once you know where to go.  Her pictures are much easier than me just trying to tell you.

Remember to try and help the next blogger out.
And while you're at it make a few people happy today and leave them a real comment, you know what I mean. 

Have a good evening.

A Cold Crop?

Good day to all,
Since I wasn't able to post early this summer, I'm sneaking in our summer garden(as we call it) with our version of a cold crop.  Although most of you will be laughing shortly (and that's ok) we are proud of our humble beginning of a raised garden.  We did not wait until we are able to put in the real thing since we could still be learning at smaller level. And learn we have.
We started with a few various plants in the yard where you see the ladders.  Now what respectable chicken is going to let that pass, none of ours.  It did not last a week.  After a little thought we decided to put the garden in the chicken run since the chickens never stay in it. And we are not going there.
So the garden did not go in until the middle of June, second mistake.  I'll leave off the mistakes there.

Our peppers did best of all, we have got 37 peppers off of these two plants so far and it is still full of new ones.

Our tomatoes did pretty good, got to can a few jars of salsa.  And still getting table tomatoes.

these are our pole beans.  I found I don't care much for them.

and our bush beans were delicious,  but as you can see the beetles were just starting to arrive and in the end they won this year.  I'll be armed and dangerous next year.  

The potatoes did alright but next year I'll use better dirt and start lower in the pot.  These are pretty large pots, but I'll be looking for larger ones in yardsales. 

Now here is our cold crop, please keep it to a chuckle.
Yes, our raised garden are in swimming pools on skids.
but it was inexpensive and it worked.
This will produce plenty of kale for the two of us.  

Some kind of worm is already chewing on the broccoli, but we are trying to stay on top of it this time.

I'm already looking at seed catalogues for next year. ;-)

You all enjoy your day,  until latter.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Third Time's A Charm

It seems everytime it think I'm able to get back to my blogging something says "I don't think so".  Well hopefully this time's the charm. I have been fighting the WiFi connection on the farm for six months.  And this time for over 3 weeks was unable to get online at all.  After three tech.s coming out and returning 2 parts that did not work, the third one knew what he was talking about.  So three seem to be the lucky number.  I guess a good thing about it is that I have a few new projects I can
share with you.  I have started taking a Crazy Quilting Class with http://www.shawkl.com/.
She gives us tasks to complete each step. So to be clear to those that have never sewn this style or embroidered before.   There is actually more to  it that I thought from the very beginning because of the placement of the enhancements and seams.  I find it interesting. A lot of it so far has been reading and picking out colors and supplies.  As we have to send her our progress per her instructions and our completion I'll share with  you.  It might be something your interested for yourself.

I only used four colors, got rid of the brown.

My placement of colors on block

Our last task was picking our enhancement ribbons and thread.

I'm really anxious to get started actually sewing.
Have a great week and see you soon.

Friday, July 17, 2015

Flea Market Find and a new Challenge

Good Evening ladies,

Now that I have more time to blog regularly I'm going to share my second favorite pass time so I'll save the challenge till last.  I thoroughly enjoy flea markets, consignment and yard sales.  Sooo I'm going to add a Flea Market Friday to my blog.  It will be everything from a "leave it as it is" or "repurpose it" or even a "I haven't figured it out yet".

 This lovely Boyd bear was found at a consignment shop  I go to regularly (Dress for Less) and was purchased for Nineteen dollars but they had a 40% off sale so I only paid eleven dollars.  I am too happy.  Is'nt he great? Other than wool fabrics, I keep most that I buy there. This is definitely not an exception.  The flowered pillows was from Vendors Village. Five dollars for the pair. The majority of my home is furnished and decorated this way and I am proud of my finds.  I found the bookcase last year and had it at the shop, just brought it home to see if it would fit like I wanted and it did. Hopefully really soon I'll show how I finished it.  Now looking for another rattan lamp. Hopefully really soon I'll show how I finished it.  I'm going for shabby chic in this room.  I'm working to finish the frame on top this week end and finishing a baby quilt.  Along with the bear meet Maggie Mae who was feral when I found her and seven kittens.  However she refuses to admit that now as she hold the title of the new queen.

Any good ideas for a name for the Bear?


I've made a new friend at Val's  Quilting  Studio.  She is having a different kind of a challenge for sewing folk .  I think it is a great idea. Check out this link for the information,  http://myplvl.blogspot.com/2015/07/linky-3rd-annual-piggy-bank-savings.html.  or click on the Challenge button on the side bar.

This is my bank I bought in Bardstown Ky. at a shop where I sell my quilts and bears etc. This was before I new of the challenge , destiny?   I'm hoping to put more adequate lighting over my sewing table.  Might as well reach for the stars.

Have a great weekend everyone.


Saturday, May 30, 2015

Our excitement for the day!


On our morning walk (you have been with us before) I went scouring around the old barn.  I guess we were walking too slow because T came back to get us;

A quick family discussion.

 Don sometimes paints old farm implements and I was going to seeing what was stored in there years ago,  I'm going to save the surprise for last.  But I'm still shaking.  Here is a couple of finds but I'll let Don pull them out and I'll show you the finished product when He paints them.

an old heater 

Hey I found a milk can

All of this will take him a little time to get out and clean up, plus he is building me a potting bench for our 35th wedding anniversary.  It should be done and up in a day tor two.  I hope.

Sorry about the fuzzy picture but I was trying to get him before he closed up shop.  But as you can see I didn't make it.

I found these double stadium seats when they tore down the old base ball field at the fairgrounds years ago.

I'll be the one to paint these,  I want them on the deck or front porch.  Can't make up my mind.

and if you look real close this is an plate hanger which I'm going to use as a saw blade holder.

Now you don't have to look close to see this.  I saw T and Mary Beth closing in on something with the cat (Casper) circling to the back,  I figured a ground squirrel and wanted to get a picture.  Knowing they would not catch it.  When I saw what it was, the picture was forgotten, I just wanted to get them away.
We lost one dog to a snake bite about a year ago.  Every time I would get one of them to come to me another one would go back.  The cat really surprised me by sticking with the dogs.  It was like they were all working together.  How ever I got this from a little distance after getting them  to come with me.  This is  one big snake.  When the dog got to close it would stand up and spread the back of it's neck like some kind of viper. But the ones around here are small not black. 
And the black snakes that I've seen don't spread their neck so I don't have a clue as to what it is.  Anyone know?

This will probably keep me out of the barns for awhile.  Till we find out if it is poisonous. 

Our walks will be down the road on a leash, nobody likes that.  Even Casper doesn't like it because they tend to trip her up or walk on her.  Have a good.
And  don't forget to let me know if you know what kind of snake this is..

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Naughty girls

Like everyone this time of year, I was walking around the house admiring the new growth and blooms of spring.  We lost a few things to the hard winter this year but a lot survived and is
striving to be beautiful despite the weather.

These are zinnias started from seed every year ,they will fully enclose the area and a dwarf
 Weigela My Monet is partially shown, it is not blooming yet. I had three and lost one and trying to locate another one.  These surround a large dinner bell  that we were able to replace of my parents after the fire destroyed everything. This was 4 yrs ago and we are still trying to get the landscaping finished.  But then again do we ever get finished?

Our hostas have done well too as I moved around the house.

Which brings us to the naughty girls.  They have destroyed three different hostas all the way to the ground. it like the were having a party. it did not stop there they got one fern and two iris.

we stopped working on the flower bed about two weeks ago and started on a chicken run.
it looks like we are growing milk cases.

However, one iris did make it through.

But I'm afraid they are discussing that now.

Dad you better hurry up with that run!
Blessing through the week and
be safe til next Sunday.
See you then.