On our morning walk (you have been with us before) I went scouring around the old barn. I guess we were walking too slow because T came back to get us;
A quick family discussion.
Don sometimes paints old farm implements and I was going to seeing what was stored in there years ago, I'm going to save the surprise for last. But I'm still shaking. Here is a couple of finds but I'll let Don pull them out and I'll show you the finished product when He paints them.
an old heater
Hey I found a milk can
All of this will take him a little time to get out and clean up, plus he is building me a potting bench for our 35th wedding anniversary. It should be done and up in a day tor two. I hope.
Sorry about the fuzzy picture but I was trying to get him before he closed up shop. But as you can see I didn't make it.

I found these double stadium seats when they tore down the old base ball field at the fairgrounds years ago.
I'll be the one to paint these, I want them on the deck or front porch. Can't make up my mind.
and if you look real close this is an plate hanger which I'm going to use as a saw blade holder.
Now you don't have to look close to see this. I saw T and Mary Beth closing in on something with the cat (Casper) circling to the back, I figured a ground squirrel and wanted to get a picture. Knowing they would not catch it. When I saw what it was, the picture was forgotten, I just wanted to get them away.
We lost one dog to a snake bite about a year ago. Every time I would get one of them to come to me another one would go back. The cat really surprised me by sticking with the dogs. It was like they were all working together. How ever I got this from a little distance after getting them to come with me. This is one big snake. When the dog got to close it would stand up and spread the back of it's neck like some kind of viper. But the ones around here are small not black.
And the black snakes that I've seen don't spread their neck so I don't have a clue as to what it is. Anyone know?
This will probably keep me out of the barns for awhile. Till we find out if it is poisonous.
Our walks will be down the road on a leash, nobody likes that. Even Casper doesn't like it because they tend to trip her up or walk on her. Have a good.
And don't forget to let me know if you know what kind of snake this is..