Monday, January 23, 2017

Cleaning out the sewing room "Giveaway"

Going to make this short.  I went back to work on Nov 28. (training)  Started on Dec 9th.  Shop sold that week.  Been working a lot of hrs. but slowing down finally. I told Kroger I only wanted 15 to 20 hrs and have been working about 34 to 36 hrs.

A few of you know there have been some issues in my marriage of 37 yrs.(?)  It has gotten a little bit better and I'm looking at it with more of an christian attitude. Still praying.

I'm getting rid of a lot of unnecessary stress that I am putting on myself.  I have always been the I can do it type of person and have finally decided....No I Can't!  Get off the Merry Go Round.  Let go,  the more of myself I give to God the more he takes care of.

New year, new attitude and new life.

Which brings me to the giving away of lace, ribbon, zippers, blanket binding, buttons and stuff.  I also have some quilting magazines I'm ready to let go, realizing I'll never make these quilts.  I have purse patterns and apron patterns I have never used.  And the list goes on.  I hope to have everything pulled out by this weekend and packed in a couple of boxes.   If any of you are interested in receiving a box of "stuff" leave me a comment stating such and I'll get back to you for an address. Here is the lace I have found today.  And a few of the books so far.

What you don't want pass it onto someone else.

I have not been on line since the end of November.  Hope this finds everyone well.  By God's grace I'm now back and will be able to visit with you all again.  
Hugs and Blessings