In July of this year a friend hand stitched this quote. It has stayed in my mind over the months ever since. I have been turning thoughts around in my mind for two weeks now trying to figure out what I want to accomplish this new year of fresh starts. At 70 yrs of age (in May) I get tired earlier, confused easier and stressed quicker. I have started this post several time with different lists that sound good but I probably would not be able to accomplish as readily as I would like. Hmmmm, more stress.
While looking for a quilt I have not shared, I once again thought of this quote. Now I finally know what I want to obtain this new year. Contentment. So these are the goals for 2018.
1. I want to enjoy my self while still helping others and being a responsible wife and home
2. Use the planner I have had for 2 yrs. Sewing, health, friend.
3. Post on social media once a week and maybe twice, that was maybe. no pressure
4. The only extra online sewing activity I will participate will OMG at Elmstreet quilts, unless
an emergency request for help is needed.
As easy as this sounds it will be hard for an overachiever. But then as an overachiever I will do it.
Here is the link to Jenny"s blog, She has a gentle, peaceful nature about her that you can feel as you visit with her. Jenny is very a talented and God loving lady. I want to be like her when I grow up.
Everyone have a save and happy New year.
Hugs and have a Blessed day